Students with Disabilities

Information for parents of students with disabilities and how the Robinson School can help:

College Retention

The United States Department of Education reports that more than half of all male students who begin college never complete it. Most withdrawals occur during the freshman year. Of those who do complete a bachelor’s degree, only 34 percent do so in four years. The average amount of time in which students are earning these degrees is 6 years.

At The Robinson School, our goal is to help our students develop the academic skills, study skills, self-discipline, maturity, and self-confidence necessary to succeed in college, rather than just to survive it.


Because all of our students are postgraduates entering in August, they share the postgraduate year experience, and progress from Orientation to Commencement together. No one is a newcomer entering a senior class in which friendships have been established and experiences have been shared during the past few years. Everyone must make new friends, learn to navigate the campus, and familiarize himself with the faculty and culture of the program. United by a clear, similar purpose, and a shared commitment to our program necessary to achieve it, our students develop a strong camaraderie among themselves. Life-long friendships are made. Positive peer pressure to achieve success in academics, athletics, extracurricular activities, and citizenship is widespread, and students help each other in all aspects of the program.
Combination of Structure, Support, and Independence

Because all of our students are college age, usually 17 years of age or older, The Robinson School emulates the college environment and experience. It provides structure and support which emulates what a college provides. As a result, our program is a true transitional time, not a repeat of a senior year in high school. Since we do not enroll high school students, our rules and regulations are different from those at traditional boarding schools. Our students have more independence than they may have at a high school. This independence requires them to take responsibility for themselves, just like college, we hold our students accountable for their actions and decisions. Consequently, our students leave The Robinson School with a maturity that they did not have upon arrival in the fall.